
Lecture Series talks October 2023 – January 2024        

In the winter semester 2023/2024 the following talks took place in the framework of our Lecture Series “Emotional learning and memory in health and disease”:

4th of October:

Prof. Dr. med. Tobias H. Donner, UKE

Title: "Flexible Decision Computations in Human Cortex"

8th of November:

Prof. Dr. Anke Ehlers, University of Oxford

Title: “Intrusive reexperiencing in posttraumatic stress disorder - the development of targeted interventions”

13th of December:

Prof. Bryan Strange, Technical University of Madrid

Title: “Human emotional memory: Mechanistic insights from intracranial recordings”

10th of January 2024:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Rene Hurlemann, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Title: „Chronic loneliness: neurocognitive mechanisms and interventions“